Satanism- Hell Naw!.. Music make You Monkey See- Monkey Do!..

Do People Have A Soul to Sell?..Hell Naw!.

Hell Naw!..I aint going back, into the Fire.. God Said When We- Come Out- They- Everyone Else going In.
To Hell- With a Job- All Gone away!.. Why?.. Greed Took Over!.. But, God me a Blueprint- to run my own Business- All Blessed by Him-In the name of Jesus- His Son- Our Lord and Saviour… Whom God The Creator of all gave us.. His Only Begotten son- for He, so Loved the WOrld- Not to judge , but to Save Us!. God Stopped Abram from giving him a Sacrafice – Isaac – his son.. Begotten Means- Jesus Volunteered
to please God- his Father- The King of All Kings!. To save God’s son’s-Man on Earth- ever since his Birth- Your Souls Priceless!.. Meaning Precious to God.. Jesus paid the price with his life & Blood..

Too Reverse the Curse- The devil 1st made- 1st Murder & Blood Shed- Cain killed Able… 7 times over, Cain said to God- let him be able to live & not suffer & die. Let he that kills me- be punished- let my evil flourish, and those good to you suffer… God agreed, but marked the beast head, He made sure no one did the deed of the Enemy-so none would receive the punishment for his sins.. So by God’s Word- Cain did not Die- Until the Flood.. Washed away- Good & Evil by water- Last time- This Time by Fire!. To be devil Tested- No man can come to Father God- unless by way of his son “Jesus”!.. God say if he is not Good Enough for You , then you are not good enough to be accepted by Him.. All fall short of the glory of Christ..

Chosen Lambs of God- Behold you are amongst wolves!.. Seek the word of God- Pray to him in the name of Jesus- live in the will of God- Become Lions amongst wolves!.. With his wisdom defeat evil.. The devil into details- spreading lust, greed-Vanity, Politics of rumors, half truths , chaos and lies, using Laws- words of man to chain and enslave- Slaves.. Back then- Together, we were friends -believing God & praying to Jesus to ask God for our Freedoms.. Teaching our Kids- Righteousness- With Love!..

Communities Showing love- one to another- It takes a village to raise a child.. What happen when none try!?.. All Cry- children die!. What another body- evil begets evil – Illuminati?.. The media, Politicians in government, Music business, Celebrities to reality T.V. shows, sports and Movies- They show demonic Signs, images and lots of sixes.. Idiot boxes baby sits the Babies.. Now Grown on their own whats wrong?… People in power on this earth- Systematically set=up and strategically against you since your birth- since you were born 1 way or another, you are worth more than your debt- your life worth more than things & money- Protect your Soul.. What a shame -the Games people play- worshipping the devil & fucking with your soul..
Trying to keep you from making it into heaven- Illuminati- and it’s hoards of Slaves- In the name of Jesus and by the word of God Almighty- you can all go to Hell and tell the devil has no Love..
opposite the words of Lamech th 6th generation son of Cain -out of the frying pan and into the Fire 77 times over!… Those to be saved into the furnace…. My Job?.. Testify- Truth!..

He Who Fights and Runs Away….

He who fights & runs away Lives to fight another Day!.
A Man brought a gun to a fist fight with a Boy!..
The Man Lived while the Boy Laid Dead.. He’s no Hero!..
The Coward carries the gun- A Mother & Father Must Bury their Son.. He is a Martyr!.. Now Jesus Got him…
Now the devil is off to have fun- Because he really think that he won..
But God See’s All Under The Sun–The Just & the Unjust-Must Kneel Before Him.. Everyone..
And BE Judged for what they have Done!. Because they thought they’d fool everyone..
That Boy was a Young Man- With him God Had a Plan- He did not Die in Vain.. God will Avenge Thee..
The Plan- No Longer shall we be Divided!.. Nor Will we Riot- United we Shall Stand & Commence God’s Plan..
Overcome with Wisdom & Rebuke These Laws- Made by Man- too Many- To Kill Us- That’s their Plan..
Greed for More Money in there Hands– War always makes them Money– Laws to help them sell More Guns!..
Fear is there Tactics- No in Politics is where it happens– When Lobbyist come Tapping on Politician Shoulders for
Corporation- Who Offers them lots of Paper- i.e., That Money – That Green- to do Devilish things to Swing up some
Smoke Screens- To Hide All of Their Sins.. And On T.V. They all Lie Smile and Grin- In Our Face.. But That’s O-Kay!..
Because We Shall Overcome.. From Here to Kingdom Come-on that Day- God Got Us!.. Trust- He Got Us Out of 400 years of Slavery…
Remember the 10 Commandments- The Top Ten God Gave Us… Knowledge is Power So Know your Worth!…Get Wisdom!..
Because The Pen is Mightier than the Sword!.. Words make Laws & Words can Revoke Laws & Words Make Money!…
United We Stand & Divided they Shall Fall.. God Bless the Martin Family!..
We offer our Hearts and Prays & Condolences.. God be with You!.. God Bless Trayvon!..
  P.S. Remember Florida was the State that Help hide Our votes and Put Bush back in Office- When then The Black Vote didn’t get Counted.
From Katrina On- The United States Government and Corporates to Bankers all have Done us Wrong!.. The Have’s- makes Have not’s.

The World is HIS Pearl!..And The Devil Wants to Take It!..

Dated: 12/15/12= 39

God said to me “He can play Chess & Checkers at the same damn time!” This he said to me over 2 years ago!..

Good and Evil battles one another here on Earth- a Spiritual Warfare.. The Only Planet in this Universe that orbits around the sun.. A game of Life over Death – Between a Father and his son.. The 1st above all his other sons.. Became the Worst and now battles his Father – hating all others- He Loves!..And in a war- it’s all about God’s Territory. In this universe the battle in on Earth – Since God first made Adam – God himself gave him His own Breath- Like the Gentiles- Them He only Blessed- And gave Life To Live-Prosper-Be Fruitful- Multiply and have Dominion of the land.(World) here on this Earth.. God made Them 1st- Adam God made 2nd- He was the 1st- A son- God Chose to Live with here on Earth 1st.. of Man His on Earth- His Way- Spiritually in Flesh– Mind- Body & Soul.. There in Eden His Home with his Chosen on Earth- Away from Heaven- His Home- “1st come last- Last come 1st.”

On “Earth- As it is in Heaven”- Since lucifer the 1st in Heaven Outcasted There- slipped into the Earth- there in Eden- Only to trick and deceive Eve to eat the Fruit of the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil”– Since then-God Spoke- Enmity between them- Eve and Lucifer – The Battle on Earth has been to Take His Chosen Seeds of Adam & Eve-

The Children are our Future- God Bless Their Souls!.. Since Cain killed Abel- his blood soaked into the Earth.. The devil lives in the flesh- Cain had kids with a gentile woman- Demonstrating his hatred towards us- the devil’s disgust- Showing his 1st born birth rights to God over the Last- That being us.. Spiritually whats in the heart determines what you see in Them.. Now Spiritually- you see Evil in the Flesh of Men- and he is among us- mind-body & soul.. Walking this Earth a son trying to mock his Father- over jealousy?…God’s Love for us..and brake his laws- As you look around you- you can’t help but to see the unnatural doing unnatural things- The opposite of whats God liked..

That’s his- His 10 Commandments!.. Back then Adam & Eve only had 1 Commandment>> Total= 11

The 1st came Last>Delivered by Moses from God to the Children of Israel.>Son’s of Issac>Total=12

The Last came 1st>Delivered by God himself to His Children of Eden.. He Brewed Adam & Eve>= 2

Salvation of Life>>Delivered Jesus by God to his Children of the World… His Begotten Son >==== 1

                                                                                                                                            Total = 26

For He so Loved the World- He gave his only Begotten Son..To Bless Man because of the Covenant He 1st made with Abraham- a man- Whom showed God Ultimate Love and Faith- when he was about to sacrifice his Son Isaac-

God Stop him from spilling his Blood!.. Symbolic to God to tell man- Not to Spill Blood.. but instead God gave a lamb to Abraham to make sacrifice to fulfill His Covenant to Abraham..Because of him- The World would be Blessed.. Jesus was in Heaven 1st when he volunteered to be a sacrifice for man sake- to Fulfill God’s will to reunite Him with Man- his Son’s on Earth.. To reverse the Curse 1st committed by Cain the 1st son of Adam..Whom killed his brother Abel.. Cain after being outcasted from the land of Eden- Had a son-with his Gentile wife- He named him Enoch- 1st of Cain’s seeds.. Then time spans to Cain’s 6th generation son lamech-Whom killed a young boy in his early teens and said before his wives- “Like my father Cain said-

“Let he who kills me-suffer my fate 77 times over- if it be it that way like when my father Cain killed- his brother Abel- He said- it “Let he who kills him- suffer his fate 7 times over”..You see Cain said it 1st after he split his brother’s blood.. Lamech had sons- They were the 7th generation- since from Cain.. God called out to Noah a 9th generation son- Since Seth- Adam’s 3rd seed/son- after Cain killed Abel.. Noah-his Wife and their 10th generation of 3 sons along with their wives were the only ones a Total of 8 that survived the Flood.. Which came 7 generation after Cain first spoke it.. With that 8 God had to start over..On earth- Since before that Time no Man on Earth had died- all had lived long lives No one had died until that Time.. All and everyone except for Noah and his Kids.. Adam & Eve- to Seth and his kids to Cain and his kids all died at the same time– The Flood-Death of all Men the very first time..

That’s why we must Pray- to stay connected Spiritually with God- because the devil hates You & God for Loving You!.. Keep God in your Heart and Jesus in Your Life.. Pray and Do For Others less fortunate than you!..All the Time Love and respect each other..Put God in your children hearts- Keep God and Christ in your Home and Take them with you every where you Go!..

It was on this day 12/15/12 When I saw the news reporting 26 people were dead- Killed by a 18 yr old Man in Newtown,Conn. a Shooting of kids in Sandy Hook Elementary School.. That 20 children and 6 Adults were all killed.. This I caught on the 6:00pm evening news.. It broke my heart- leaving questions how and why? On everyone mind!.. What went wrong with this young man- what about the parents, families and friends of the children and the teachers who all lost their lives and that’s been changed due to this ill tragedy..The Community and Cities at large weep– With you all the People of Newtown, Conn. Our Hearts, Love and Condolences go out to you and we all must send prayers up to God for the Children and Teachers who died and the survivors of this hideous tragedy…

Togather we must pray for them all and the rest of the World- God have Mercy on us all- United We Stand- One Nation Under God- Divided we Fall…

I remember a man was being interviewed by a reporter and in tears the man said-

“How is it that the kids were born in 2006 and how odd it is they were shot dead 6 years later in 2012?”

That got me to thinking how odd that was as well..

Remembering the Children and Teachers Who Lost Their Lives in Sandy Hook Elementary School- Newtown, Conn.

See their faces and ages:

Today 12/24/12–  I looked up the Kids and found out that out of the 20 kids– A Total of 16 kids were 6 years old..


Journey Back to the Beginning An ABC News Report with Christiane Amanpor

A Must See Film Back into Time!.. with answers to Facts and Faith..

This Report Aired 12/21/12

What do you Do to Lift God’s Spirit?.. Black History!..


Marcus Garvey                                              Garrett Morgan

What do you do- to lift God’s Spirit up?..

From talking to many young African American kids , including my own , they know very little about our history, our culture and our journey.. From many talks with college students, I’ve come to realize that many young kids today don’t want to talk about the past or haven’t a clue maybe not even a care.. It’s like it’s a figment of their imagination.. The question is , who’s fault is it?.. So much time has past since Dr. Martin Luther King’s Death, that an generational gap has emerged to separate our youth from our past realities.. Many don’t know the truth about our history.. Movies like “The Help” bare light on the past of the American History. Many things that I’ve seen and learned has a child , no longer exist in today’s society and much worse , what’s ahead for the future of our youth.. The school system teach them not of our history and the way of the world does only harm in teaching our youth.. when my son graduated from college , he told me he had a class that taught -“How CapitalismUnderdeveloped  Black America”a book by: Manning Marable, which teaches ivy league college students this practice of American Government and laws used and passed  and American Business policies and practices to regulate the wealth..Government policies that structured the categorical  levels of jobs types per school districtions.. Documentaries such as “Waiting for “Superman” and “THE BEAUTIFUL TRUTH” investigates and reports these types of facts..  This type of class or studies, I should say is not a taught curriculum in rural public schools and small colleges across the country..Yet only our kids , including myself were only taught ti be good workers and pilars of the community at large, in general we all were taught to be Slaves.. Since our Ancestors fought and died for your Freedoms and Privileges , Make them proud , Become Doctors , Lawyers , Engineers , Scientist ,Bankers, Business owners, Mortgage Brokers, Real estate Investors  Writers, Directors, MediaEntrepreneurs,   ETC…

All Must know  for ones Self.. Seek Truth!…

File:Medgar Evers.jpg

Medgar Evers

Freedom Riders   Rosa Parks  Thurgood Marshall  George Washington Carver

Lewis Latimer  Jan Ernst Matzeliger   Booker T.Washington

Sojourner Truth   Madame C.J. Walker  Jane Pittman


 Nat Turne... Nat Turne...
Nat Turner’s Rebellion (also known as the Southampton Insurrection) was a slave rebellion that took place in Southampton County, Virginia during August 1831.[1] Led by Nat Turner, rebel slaves killed anywhere from 55–65 white people, the highest number of fatalities caused by slave uprisings in the South. The rebellion was put down within a few days, but Turner survived in hiding for over two months afterward.
In the aftermath, there was widespread fear, and white militias organized in retaliation against slaves. The state executed 56 slaves accused of being part of the rebellion. In the frenzy, many innocent enslaved people were punished. At least 100 blacks, and possibly up to 200, were killed by militias and mobs. Across the South, state legislatures passed new laws prohibiting education of slaves and free blacks, restricting rights of assembly and other civil rights for free blacks, and requiring white ministers to be present at black worship services.
Turner was hghly intelligent, and learned how to read and write at a young age. He grew up deeply religious and was often seen fasting, praying or immersed in reading the stories of the Bible.[4] He frequently had visions, which he interpreted as messages from God. These visions greatly influenced his life. For instance, when Turner was 21 years old he ran away from his owner, Samuel Turner, but returned a month later after becoming delirious from hunger and receiving a vision that told him to, “…return to the service of my earthly master.”[5] In 1824, while working in the fields under his new owner, Thomas Moore, Turner had his second vision, in which “the Saviour was about to lay down the yoke he had borne for the sins of men, and the great day of judgment was at hand.” Turner often conducted Baptist services, and preached the Bible to his fellow slaves, who dubbed him “The Prophet.”
Turner also had an influence over white people. In the case of Ethelred T. Brantley, Turner said that he was able to convince Brantley to “cease from his wickedness.” By the spring of 1828, Turner was convinced that he “was ordained for some great purpose in the hands of the Almighty.” While working in his owner’s fields on May 12, Turner “heard a loud noise in the heavens, and the Spirit instantly appeared to me and said the Serpent was loosened, and Christ had laid down the yoke he had borne for the sins of men, and that I should take it on and fight against the Serpent, for the time was fast approaching when the first should be last and the last should be first.”
In 1830, Joseph Travis purchased Turner and became his master. Turner later recalled that Travis was “a kind master” who had “placed the greatest confidence in me.” Despite the decent treatment received from Travis, Turner eagerly anticipated God’s signal to start his task of “slay[ing] my enemies with their own weapons.” Turner witnessed a solar eclipse on February 12, 1831 and was convinced that this was the sign from God. Following in the steps of the late Denmark Vesey, he started preparations for a rebellion against the white slaveholders of Southampton County by buying muskets. Turner “communicated the great work laid out [for me] to do, to four in whom I had the greatest confidence” – his fellow slaves Henry, Hark, Nelson, and Sam.[12]Beginning in February 1831, Turner came to believe that certain atmospheric conditions were to be interpreted as a sign that he should begin preparing for a rebellion against the slave owners.On February 11, 1831, an annular solar eclipse was seen in Virginia. Turner saw this as a black man’s hand reaching over the sun, and he took this vision as his sign. The rebellion was initially planned for July 4, Independence Day, but was postponed for more deliberation between him and his followers, and due to illness. On August 13, there was another solar eclipse, in which the sun appeared bluish-green (possibly from debris deposited in the atmosphere by an eruption of Mount Saint Helens). Turner took this occasion as the final signal, and a week later, on August 21, he began the rebellion.

Famous  African Slaves – Image Results

African S... Harriet T... ESL 12 | ... slaves_in...
What do you do to lift God’s Spirit up?…
God said it 1st – for It Is Written what will happen in these last days.. As I learn throughout time , God always chose someone to lift his spirit up!. To lift his Name up!.. But Yet be a BLESSING to others!.. And because of God’s Chosens, God gets the Glory!..Since the Beginning of our Story – Those Chosen had to sacrafice of their own Lives-So that You may Live to Tell the Story–So they’ll Know!.. God took A weak People from among the rest of the World and made the Strong a Mighty Nation – F1rst.. They served 400 yrs… God Promised Abraham to save the Last!. And Restore Them.. They served 400 yrs!… They never Lost Faith in God to be Free!.. The 1st. got Moses- The 2nd got King- We all got Jesus & GOD GOT ALL!…

Truth,Trails and Tribulations-Honoring Black History!..

Malcolm X was a Strong Black Man in the early stages of his life , he grow up poor and hustled for a living on the mean streets that which he grew up on. Observant of his surroundings he did what he thought he had to do, to survive , but one thing was for sure in Malcolm X- he hated poverty and injustice of his people.. He had a go hard say what he felt type of personality, He spoked the truth about the ills of America and what it’s government is doing to Black people, and how we should unite and stand together as a whole people to support ourselves and each other.. His ideals were for black people to start and do business with each other , that way , we’d support our own communities, our own businesses would benefit our children support our own economies and we would have protected our children’s future.  Malcolm X was the leading voice of the Nation of Islam, but became a radical voice for the Black people of America.This all During the 60’s , when the Civil Rights movement was just beginning, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was making speeches and protesting for Civil Rights all over the south in peaceful turn the other cheek demonstrations.. The Black Panther Party was making stances against the New York Police Department with guns for their beatens and deaths of young black men in the streets of  Brooklyn, Harlem ,and the the Bronx, by white police officers.. Malcolm X and the Nation was calling for the need to use the laws against them for our own protection as our right to do so..”BY Any Means Neccessary” was his moto.. At this time calm was not in the air , all were not at ease America was in chaos.. Racial tension flourished throught the south and throughout America after the shooting death of Medgar Edvers an Civil rights Activist who at the time was speaking on hitting corporate America in the pockets , by the need of African Americans to boycott stores and business in America..  Now exactly 46 years later after Malcolm x’s death.. Look at what is going on in America.. Still his murder is unsolved..
Image: Malcolm X at a rally in Washington, DC, in 1963Hulton Archive via Getty Images,

Malcolm X speaks at a rally in Washington, DC, in 1963. Excerpts of a little-remembered speech he gave in 1961 is set to be aired an event hosted by the Rhode Island Black Heritage Association as part of Black History Month.
PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island — The recording was forgotten, and so, too, was the odd twist of history that brought together Malcolm X and a bespectacled Brown University Ivy Leaguer fated to become one of America’s top diplomats.

The audiotape of Malcolm X’s 1961 address in Providence might never have surfaced at all if 22-year-old Brown University student Malcolm Burnley hadn’t stumbled across a reference to it in an old student newspaper. He found the recording of the little-remembered visit gathering dust in the university archives.

“No one had listened to this in 50 years,” Burnley told The Associated Press. “There aren’t many recordings of him before 1962. And this is a unique speech — it’s not like others he had given before.”

Some blacks insist: ‘I’m not African-American’

In the May 11, 1961 speech delivered to a mostly white audience of students and some residents, Malcolm X combines blistering humor and reason to argue that blacks should not look to integrate into white society but instead must forge their own identities and culture.

‘A dead people’ At the time, Malcolm X, 35, was a loyal supporter of the Nation of Islam, a black separatist movement. He would be assassinated four years later after leaving the group and crafting his own more global, spiritual ideology.

The legacy of slavery and racism, he told the crowd of 800, “has made the 20 million black people in this country a dead people. Dead economically, dead mentally, dead spiritually. Dead morally and otherwise. Integration will not bring a man back from the grave.”

More on this story: Click Here:

 Video: Shattering the myths on Malcolm X 


Bob Marley on May, 27 1978, in Chicago, Il. (Paul Natkin/WireImage)

Remembering legendary singer Bob Marley

Web buzz builds on the life of the iconic activist on what would have been his 67th birthday.
Reggae’s most transcendent and iconic figure, Bob Marley was the first Jamaican artist to achieve international superstardom, in the process introducing the music of his native island nation to the far-flung corners of the globe. Marley’s music gave voice to the day-to-day struggles of the Jamaican experience, vividly capturing not only the plight of the country’s impoverished and oppressed but also the devout spirituality that remains their source of strength. His songs of faith, devotion, and revolution created a legacy that continues to live on not only through the music of his extended family but also through generations of artists the world over touched by his genius.
More on Bob Marley Click Here:
Frederick Douglas
Historical black icons like Frederick Douglas (1818-1895) who published an Abolitionist newspaper called the North Star after escaping slavery himself.   Frederick Douglas became an infamous orator on the abolitionist movement and Douglas even became the president of the Freedmans Savings Bank during Reconstruction.   Frederick Douglas was an important figure in black history and Douglas was a precursor to the black pride movement.

Harriet Tubman Harriet Tubman (1820-1913) was another influential leader in black history and indeed the black pride movement.   Harriet Tubman escaped from slavery, launching Tubman to one of the most celebrated and influential leaders of the Underground Railroad.   Harriet Tubman was able to help hundreds of African Americans escape the perils of slavery.

The Dredd Scott v. Sanford (1857) decision dealt a blow to abolition and black pride when the US Supreme Court ruled against Dredd Scott, who argued that while traveling with his master had entered free states and was therefore a free man.   The Court ruled that Dredd Scott as an African American was not a citizen, and therefore could not bring a case to the Supreme Court.   In black history, the Dredd Scott decision is a black mark, but a necessary one to bring about the change sought by the black pride movement.

Madame C.J. Walker

Madam C.J. Walker (December 23, 1867 – May 25, 1919), born Sarah Breedlove, was an African-American businesswoman, hair care entrepreneur and philanthropist. She made her fortune by developing and marketing a hugely successful line of beauty and hair products for black women under the company she founded, Madam C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company.

Booker Taliaferro Washington (April 5, 1856 – November 14, 1915) was an American educator, author, orator, and political leader. He was the dominant figure in the African-American community in the United States from 1890 to 1915. Representative of the last generation of black American leaders born in slavery, he spoke on behalf of the large majority of blacks who lived in the South but had lost their ability to vote through disfranchisement by southern legislatures. While his opponents called his powerful network of supporters the “Tuskegee Machine,” Washington maintained power because of his ability to gain support of numerous groups: influential whites; the black business, educational and religious communities nationwide; financial donations from philanthropists, and his accommodation to the political realities of the age of Jim Crow segregation.[1]

Booker T. Washington

Born Booker Taliaferro Washington

   In 1837 George and Emillia McCoy, who were slaves in Kentucky, escaped to Canada by using an Underground Railroad route that ran along the Indiana and Ohio border. George enlisted in the Army and served honorably in the 1837 Rebel War. The Canadian government gave him 160 acres of farmland near Colchester, Ontario, Canada (on Lake Erie) upon discharge.

Elijah McCoy (1843–1929) invented an oil-dripping cup for trains.

A son, Elijah McCoy, was born on May 2, 1843 (or 1844, depending on the source). He attended public school until the age of 15. As a child, Elijah showed great interest in the mechanical devices and tools used on his family’s farm. His parents were able to save enough money to send Elijah to school in Edinburgh Scotland to learn mechanical engineering in 1859/1860.

Granville T. Woods (1856-1910) is known to many as “The Black Edison,” because  both were great inventors who came from disadvantaged childhoods. But unlike  Edison, Woods was considered fortunate to receive an education to help him on  the road to his inventions. In the late nineteenth century few African-American  children ever saw the inside of a classroom. Woods further educated himself by working in railroad machine shops and steel mills, and by reading about electricity. He often had friends check out library books for him, since African-Americans were excluded from many libraries at the time. Woods managed to scrape together enough knowledge of electrical engineering to invent “telegraphony,” a process that was later purchased by Alexander Graham Bell’s company.

Lewis Latimer (1848–1928) invented an important part of the light bulb — the carbon filamentLewis Howard Latimer was born in Chelsea, Massachusetts, on September 4, 1848, six years after his parents, George and Rebecca Latimer, had run away from slavery in Virginia. They were determined to be free and that their children be born on free soil. Because of his light complexion, George was able to pose as a plantation owner with the darker-skinned Rebecca as his slave. Shortly after arriving in Boston, Massachusetts, he was recognized as a fugitive and jailed while his wife was taken to a safe hiding place. The arrest was protested vigorously by the community. Frederick Douglass, a former slave who had escaped to Massachusetts several years earlier, and abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison spoke forcefully against the arrest. There was a trial, and the attempts to recapture George and return him to Virginia caused considerable agitation in Boston. When the trial judge ruled that Latimer still belonged to his Virginia owner, an African-American minister paid $400 for his release. Although free, George was still extremely poor, working as a barber, paper-hanger and in other odd jobs to support his wife, three sons, and one daughter.

 Because of repeated incidents of firefighters being overcome by smoke when attempting to put out fires in his hometown of Cleveland, Garrett Morgan wanted to do something to help.

In 1914, Morgan obtained a patent for his safety hood — a breathing device consisting of a canvas hood placed over the head. A double tube extended from the hood and merged into a single tube at the back. The open end held a sponge soaked with water to filter out smoke and to cool incoming air.


Jan Ernst Matzeliger (1852–1889) invented a shoemaking machine that increased shoemaking speed by 900%!

Jan Ernst Matzeliger (1852-1889) was born in Paramaribo, Surinam (Dutch Guiana), South America. His father was a Dutch engineer who married a native Black Surinamese woman. At the age of ten, young Jan worked in the machine shops supervised by his father, where his talents and mechanical aptitude was nurtured. In 1871, at the age of 19, he sailed the world and settled in Philadelphia 2 years later.

Hearing about the rapid growth of the shoe industry in Massachusetts, Matzeliger went to Lynn in 1877 in search of a better job. Since he seas a Black foreigner who spoke very little English. he had trouble finding employment. A determined young man, he quickly learned the English language.

He eventually landed a job as an apprentice in a shoe factory operating various shoe making machinery during time when most white people would look down on him because of his Black ancestry, he did manage to make a few friends in town. He was a devout Christian, teaching Sunday School at The North Congregational Church, one of the few churches in the area that would accept Blacks.

In the early days of shoe making, shoes were made mainly by hand. For proper fit, the customer’s feet had to be duplicated in size and form by creating a stone or wooden mold called a “last” from which the shoes were sized and shaped. Since the greatest difficulty in shoe making was the actual assembly of the soles to the upper shoe, it required great skill to tack and sew the two components together. It was thought that such intricate work could only be done by skilled human hands. As a result, shoe lasters held great power over the shoe industry. They would hold work stop-pages without regard for their fellow workers’ desires, resulting in long periods of unemployment for them

George Washington Carver (1860–1943) developed peanut butter and 400 plant productsGeorge Washington Carver was born in 1860 in Diamond Grove, Missouri and despite early difficulties would rise to become one of the most celebrated and respected scientists in United States history. His important discoveries and methods enabled farmers through the south and midwest to become profitable and prosperous.

In 1887 Carver was accepted into Simpson College in Indianola, Iowa where he became well respected for his artistic talent (in later days his art would be included in the spectacular World’s Columbian Exposition Art Exhibit.) Carver’s interests, however, lay more in science and he transferred from Simpson to Iowa Agricultural College (which is now known as Iowa State University.) He distinguished himself so much that upon graduation he was offered a position on the school’s faculty, the first Black accorded the honor. Carver was allowed great freedom in working in agriculture and botany in the University’s greenhouses. In 1895, Carver co-authored a series of papers on the prevention and cures for fungus diseases affecting cherry plants.